ポータブル水分蒸散計 VapoMeter
1)化粧品産業用研究機器 2)国内技適済みワイヤレスモデム内蔵
標準添付の小型アダプターで唇、頭皮のTEWL(水分蒸散量)も。また膜透過・経皮吸収試験用Franz-Cell 専用アダプターを用意(17mm、15mm、11.28mm、9mm)もオプションで用意しています。
- TEWL、皮膚バリア機能、透過試験
- 肌荒れの評価
- スキンケア、スキントリートメント、栄養効果
- 幼児のSSWL、おむつの評価
- 動物皮膚、トリートメント、栄養効果
- In-vitro試験
- フランツセルにおける試験前・後の膜の確認、シールドのチェック
- 植物(光合成)からの蒸散の評価・測定
品番:SWL2050 水分蒸散計用ネイルアダプター(10個入り)
- ネイル表面、唇、頭皮その他小領域用。
- 本体測定モードはネイル(nlA)を使用。
品番:SWL2040-17 17mm用フランツセルアダプター(10個入り)
- オリフィス17mm、透過面積が2.3 cm2のフランツセル用。
- 本体測定モードは標準(SdA)を使用。
品番:SWL2040-15 15mm用フランツセルアダプター(10個入り)
- オリフィス15mm、透過面積が1.7 cm2のフランツセル用。
- 本体測定モードは標準(sdA)を使用。
品番:SWL2040-11.28 11.28mm用フランツセルアダプター(10個入り)
- オリフィス11.28mm、透過面積が1.0 cm2のフランツセル用。
- 本体測定モードは標準(SdA)を使用。
品番:SWL2040-09 9mm用フランツセルアダプター(10個入り)
- オリフィス9mm、透過面積が0.64 cm2のフランツセル用。
- 本体測定モードはネイル(nlA)を使用。
Age-related changes in skin biomechanical properties: the neck skin compared with the cheek and forearm skin in Korean females
Kim E., Cho G., Won N.G. and Cho J.
Skin Res Res Technol, Aug;19(3):236-41, 2013.
Effects of 6-h exposure to low relative humidity and low air pressure on body fluid loss and blood viscosity
Hashiguchi N., Takeda A., Yasuyama Y., Chishaki A. and Tochihara Y.
Indoor Air, Oct;23(5):430-6, 2013.
Protein transduction domain-containing microemulsions as cutaneous delivery systems for an anticancer agent
Pepe D., McCall M., Zheng H. and Lopes L.B.
J Pharm Sci, May;102(5):1476-87, 2013.
Assessment of skin barrier function in podoconiosis: measurement of stratum corneum hydration and transepidermal water loss
Ferguson J.S., Yeshanehe W., Matts P., Davey G., Mortimer P. and Fuller C.
Br J Dermatol, Mar;168(3):550-4, 2013.
In vivo transdermal delivery of leuprolide using microneedles and iontophoresis
Sachdeva V., Zhou Y. and Banga A.K.
Curr Pharm Biotechnol, Feb;14(2):180-93, 2013.
Microporation and ‘iron’tophoresis for treating iron deficiency anemia
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Pharm Res, Mar;30(3):889-98, 2013.
Age and ethnic variations in sebaceous lipids
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A pilot study demonstrating a non-invasive method for the measurement of protein turnover in skin disorders: application to psoriasis
Emson C.L., Fitzmaurice S., Lindwall G., Li K.W., Hellerstein M.K., Maibach H.I., Liao W and Turner S.M.
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Biophysical measures of skin tissue water: variations within and among anatomical sites and correlations between measures
Mayrovitz H.N., Bernal M., Brlit F. and Desfor R.
Skin Res Technol, 19(1)47-54, 2013.
Calcium phosphate nanoparticles for transcutaneous vaccine delivery
Sahdev, Preety, Podaralla, Satheesh, Kaushik, Radhey S., Perumal and Omathanu
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Topical effects of N-acetyl-L-hydroxyproline on ceramide synthesis and alleviation of pruritus
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Neonatal intensive care practices and the influence on skin condition
Visscher M.O., Taylor T. and Narendran V.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, Apr;27(4):486-93, 2013.
Topically applied flightless I neutralizing antibodies improve healing of blistered skin in a murine model of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
Zlatko Kopecki, Nadira Ruzehaji, Christopher Turner, Hioraki Iwata, Ralf J Ludwig, Detlef Zillikens, Dedee F Murrell and Allison J Cowin
J Invest Dermatol, Apr;133(4):1008-16, 2013.
Comparison of the skin biophysical parameters of Southeast Asia females: forehead–cheek and ethnic groups
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Ex vivo calcium percutaneous eggression in normal and tape-stripped human skin
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Topical aprepitant in clinical and experimental pruritus
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Influence of a pore-forming agent on swelling, network parameters, and permeability of poly (ethylene glycol) -crosslinked poly
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J Appl Polym Sci, Vol 125(4):2680–2694, 2012.
Fabrication of pseudo-ceramide-based lipid microparticles for recovery of skin barrier function
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Rheological characterization of a xanthan–galactomannan hydrogel loaded with lipophilic substances
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Penetration study of formulated nanosized titanium dioxide in models of damaged and sun-irradiated skins
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EGFR regulation of epidermal barrier function
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Hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays for enhanced transdermal drug delivery
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Advanced Functional Materials, Vol 22(23):4879–4890, 2012.
Microneedle-mediated transdermal bacteriophage delivery
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Eur J Pharm Sci, Vol 47(2):297–304, 2012.
Rapid, simultaneous and nanomolar determination of pyroglutamic acid and cis-/trans-urocanic acid in human stratum corneum by
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High prevalence of aquagenic wrinkling of the palms in patients with cystic fibrosis and association with measurable increases in
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Structure-skin permeability relationship of dendrimers
Venuganti V.V., Sahdev P., Hildreth M., Guan X. and Perumal O.
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Enhanced delivery of cosmeceuticals by microdermabrasion
Zhou Y. and Banga A.K.
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Vol 10(3):179–184, 2011.
Skin drug delivery from different lipid vesicular systems
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PhD Thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany, May 2011.
Bioequivalence of topical clotrimazole formulations: An improved tape stripping method
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Enhanced dermal delivery of acyclovir using solid lipid nanoparticles
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Permeation of antigen protein-conjugated nanoparticles and live bacteria through microneedle-treated mouse skin
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Acyclovir skin depot characterization following in vivo iontophoretic delivery
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CD4(+) T cell depletion changes the cytokine environment from a T(H)1/T(H)2 response to a T(C)17-like response in a murine model of
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Aging enhances maceration-induced ultrastructural alteration of the epidermis and impairment of skin barrier function
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Relationship between clinical features of facial dry skin and biophysical parameters in Asians
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A novel chimeric lysin shows superiority to mupirocin for skin decolonization of methicillin-resistant and -sensitive staphylococcus aureus
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Quantification of activated and total caspase-14 with newly developed ELISA systems in normal and atopic skin
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Skin application of urea-containing cream affected cutaneous arterial sympathetic nerve activity, blood flow, and water evaporation
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Documentation of normal stratum corneum scaling in an average population: features of differences among age, ethnicity and body site
Chu M. and Kollias N.
Br J Dermatol, Mar;164(3):497-507, 2011.
Transdermal delivery of macromolecules using solid-state biodegradable microstructures
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Formation and closure of microchannels in skin following microporation
Kalluri H. and Banga A.K.
Pharm Res, Jan;28(1):82-94, 2011.
Skin delivery of ferulic acid from different vesicular system
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Renal salt wasting and chronic dehydration in claudin-7-deficient mice
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Relationships between wet bulb globe temperature and evaporative cooling responses under heat stress
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Microneedle pre-treatment of human skin improves 5-aminolevulininc acid (ALA)- and 5-aminolevulinic acid methyl ester (MAL)-induced PpIX
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Epidermal hyperproliferation in mice lacking fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4) involves ectopic EGF receptor and STAT3 signaling
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Iontophoresis mediated in vivo intradermal delivery of terbinafine hydrochloride
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Comparison of tape stripping with the human skin blanching assay for the bioequivalence assessment of topical clobetasol propionate
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The impact of obesity on skin disease and epidermal permeability barrier status
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Up-regulation of serpin SCCA1 is associated with epidermal barrier disruption
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Effects of alcohol intake on the skin physiology
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Dual Role of COUP-TF-interacting protein 2 in epidermal homeostasis and permeability barrier formation
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Skin barrier structure and function and their relationship to puritus in end-stage renal disease
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'Keratolytic' properties of benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid resemble salicylic acid in man
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Variation in barrier impairment and inflammation of human skin as determined by sodium lauryl sulphate penetration rate
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Transepidermal water loss reflects permeability barrier status: validation in human and rodent in vivo and ex vivo models
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TRPA1 controls inflammation and pruritogen responses in allergic contact dermatitis
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Skin characteristics of Chinese men and their beard removal habits
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An improved method for measurement of change in skin roughness caused by cleansing products under mild application conditions
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The use of a measure of acute irritation to predict the outcome of repeated usage of hand soap products
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Influence of tumour necrosis factor-α polymorphism −308 and atopy on irritant contact dermatitis in healthcare workers
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Spontaneous itch in the absence of hyperalgesia in a mouse hindpaw dry skin model
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A double-blind, randomized study to assess the effectiveness of different moisturizers in preventing dermatitis induced by hand washing to
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Effects of glycerol on human skin damaged by acute sodium lauryl sulphate treatment
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Microbiological efficacy and tolerability of a new, non-alcohol-based hand disinfectant
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The alkaline pH-adapted skin barrier is disrupted severely by SLS-induced irritation
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Skin barrier disruption by sodium lauryl sulfate-exposure alters the expressions of involucrin, transglutaminase 1, profilaggrin, and kallikreins
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Differential cytokine expression in skin after single and repeated irritation by sodium lauryl sulphate
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A randomized, controlled, double-blind study of the effect of wearing coated pH 5.5 latex gloves compared with standard powder-free latex
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Stratum corneum cytokines and skin irritation response to sodium lauryl sulphate
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Skin reaction and recovery: a repeated sodium lauryl sulphate patch test vs. a 24-h patch test and tape stripping
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Evaluation of long-term performance utilizing a high absorbency adult incontinence brief in a long-term care setting and its
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Evaluation of the efficacy and safety for atopic dry skin of a medicinal moisturizing lotion (Mentholatum AP Soft Medicinal Moisture Lotion)
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Analysis of the temporal change in biophysical parameters after fractional laser treatments using
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Rheological characterization of a xanthan–galactomannan hydrogel loaded with lipophilic substances
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